A variety of free publications are produced each year to help students plan and pay for college. You can view the latest electronic versions here, or ask your high school counselor or college financial aid officer for print copies. They may order the publications for free from the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development.
A guide to help students plan and pay for college, including information about finding the best fit for higher education, college admissions, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and information about state and federal grants, scholarships, and loans.
A locker magnet for high school seniors, featuring a monthly calendar of tasks for applying to and preparing for college.
A booklet for high school seniors and college students that provides financial literacy and money management tips as well as budget worksheets.
A brochure about planning for college geared toward middle school students and their parents.
A brochure intended for adult learners interested in pursuing additional education or training.