Explore the following pages for information on many options for postsecondary education and training, their costs and outcomes. Find the option that works for you!

Find information on total cost of attendance, student loans, graduate earnings, and graduation rates for many public and private schools in the state.

Program Outcomes
View employment and salary information for programs at public colleges and universities, as well as information on program costs and time-to-completion.

Career & Technical Education
See completion information for career and technical education programs and high school equivalency credentials. More information on career and technical education can be found on DESE's Website.
Other Resources
Many other useful resources can help you find the academic or training program that’s right for you, and to understand its outcomes. These include:
- DHEWD’s College and Degree Search – explore degree certificate programs at public and private colleges and universities and professional and technical schools across Missouri.
- Missouri School Credentials for Occupations Resulting in Employment Success (MoSCORES) – another program search tool, which also includes non-credit workforce training programs and employment and salary outcomes for programs at public institutions.
- The Missouri Research and Information Center (MERIC) – DHEWD’s site for workforce and economic data, including occupation and wage projections. Don’t miss the Regional Profiles for information on growing jobs across the state.
- Read a report from the RAND Corporation on “completion rates” for military enlistments. Attrition rates varied by service and many other demographic characteristics.

Student Right to Know fulfills, to the extent data are available, relevant requirements of Missouri House Bill 1606 (2018) and Senate Bill 297 (2021).
Questions and suggestions may be directed to he.research@dhewd.mo.gov.