What is the CORE 42? 

  • CORE 42, also known as the Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act, is a framework for general education based upon a statement of the content, component (Knowledge Areas), and objectives of the core curriculum and included courses, and which all Missouri public higher education institutions have adopted. Upon a student’s successful completion of the CORE 42 at any community college or public institution of higher education, that block of courses will be transferred to any other public institution of higher education in the state and shall be substituted for the receiving institution’s general education requirement.

What is a MOTR course? 

  • A MOTR course is the name given to the individual courses at institutions that are guaranteed to transfer as equivalent. If a student transfers without having completed an associate degree or the CORE 42, any course designated as a MOTR course is guaranteed to transfer, not only to fulfill the specific discipline area within the CORE 42 framework, but will also fulfill any other requirements or prerequisites that the course satisfies. For example, if a student were to take a psychology course with a MOTR prefix at the sending institution that also fulfills a major or prerequisite requirement at the receiving institution, the sending institution’s course will also meet those same requirements.

When does the CORE 42 start, and what about courses I took before it started? 

  • MOTR courses taken and transferred beginning August 1, 2018 and after will fall under the CORE 42. The transferability of credits accepted in transfer before August 1, 2018 will be determined by the receiving institution, although all institutions are encouraged to do what is in the best interest of the student when determining transfer credit for non-CORE 42 courses.

How will I know if my institution is participating? 

  • All public institutions in Missouri are required by statute to participate in the CORE 42. All MOTR courses will be marked on the institutions’ website and are included in the Course Transfer Tracker.

What if I took a course that is not part of the CORE 42? Does that mean it won’t transfer? 

  • MOTR courses are guaranteed to transfer at all public institutions in the state. However, most institutions have articulation agreements for the transferability of other courses that are not in the CORE 42. Check with your advisor and the institution to determine the transferability of courses outside the CORE 42.  

What does “at least 42 credit hours” mean? 

  • As many of the courses included in the CORE 42 framework are of varying credit hour lengths, it is nearly impossible to develop a course outline where the credits obtained equal exactly 42 credit hours.

What grade will I need to make?

  • Minimum GPA, grade requirements, prerequisite, or major requirements may apply, per institutional policy. Students will need to work closely with their advisor to review your academic plan and identify appropriate course options.

What do I do if an institution won’t accept my courses in transfer? 

  • The CORE 42 is designed to work seamlessly between public institutions of higher education. If the receiving institution does not accept your courses in transfer, the institution must notify you and the sending institution that the transfer request has been denied. After this, the two institutions must work with you to settle any transfer disputes. If the transfer dispute is not solved in a satisfactory manner, the receiving institution must notify the commissioner of higher education that the request was denied and the reason for denial within 45 days after the student received written notification that the transfer request was denied.

I took dual credit courses as a high school student. Does that make me a transfer student?  

  • Native students are defined as students whose initial college enrollment was at a given institution of higher education following high school graduation (not including the summer immediately preceding fall enrollment after high school graduation), and who have not transferred to another institution of higher education since that initial enrollment, or who have earned 11 or fewer academic credits. For the purpose of CORE 42, students who earned dual credit while in high school will be considered native students and not transfer students.