Getting ready to apply for college

At first glance, applying to college may seem overwhelming. Colleges and universities have varying degree programs, application requirements, and submission deadlines. But if you treat your college applications like a class project, the process will be less daunting. Complete a checklist of all the information you’ll need to apply, and give yourself plenty of time to complete your applications before their deadlines. Yes – there are deadlines, and now is the time to get started!


Research careers that interest you

  • Look at future job demand.
  • Research income potential.
  • Find out how much education beyond high school is required for each career you may be interested in.
  • Job shadow someone in your community with that type of job.


Research colleges and majors

  • Once you’ve established possible careers, find out which schools offer specific majors that can help you achieve your career goals.
  • Think about all aspects of college life. Decide what your top priorities will be when deciding on the right school for you.
  • Consider how much you can afford, if you want to move or stay at home, what organizations or clubs you may want to be a part of, if you will take your car to school with you, if you anticipate needing tutoring services, etc.
  • Go on college visits or take virtual tours of the colleges to help you make a more informed decision.


Gather all of your documents

  • Know your social security number, GPA, and class rank.
  • Make a list of your achievements, awards, and clubs or organizations you’ve been involved with.
  • Have your top ACT and SAT score on hand. Check your top school choices to see if your score will qualify you for any institutional scholarships.
  • Ask your favorite teachers, counselors, coaches, and employers if you can put them down as references. Make note of which universities require references to write letters of recommendation. Be sure to ask your references for their letters early so you don’t miss the submission deadline.
  • Look through the list of Missouri colleges and universities. Make a list of your top 5-10 schools to start comparing your options.
  • If you will qualify for the A+ Scholarship, compare qualifying two-year colleges and career schools in your research.