Welcome to Happier U! Did you know choosing to see the glass half full and focusing on the positive helps you be more resilient and happier you? Check out Happier U’s collection of videos, podcasts, and digital content, providing science-based advice, strategies, and coping mechanisms for stressful situations. This digital resource center is aimed at promoting mental health among college age students and helping families support one another in a positive way for a healthier and happier YOU!
Happier U is the result of a partnership between the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD), the Show Me Hope Crisis Counseling Program (CCP), and the Missouri Department of Mental Health.
Whether you’re sleeping, studying, or just relaxing, there are several science-based habits you can add to your daily routine to help fuel a happier you!
Some exercises start with the control center. Here are some videos full of science-backed methods and skills that help build a happier you from the inside-out!
Check out DJ Tay and company has they lift your mood and explain the way music can really help all aspects of your life. You can also view the full DJ Tay Show on YouTube!
If you need closed captions for these videos, please visit the playlist on Youtube for these videos with closed captions.
The above videos are a part of the larger DJ Tay Playlist Podcast, which is available on Youtube.
Show Me, Hope is Missouri’s Free Crisis Counseling Program.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990
Show Me, Hope is Missouri’s Free Crisis Counseling Program.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990
Show Me Hope is Missouri’s Crisis Counseling Program in response to the impact of COVID-19 and is funded through FEMA DR 4490.