Many options are available for continuing your education beyond high school:
- Public colleges and universities receive public funds and offer certificates, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and graduate degrees.
- Independent colleges and universities, also known as private not-for-profit schools, are primarily supported by private funds and offer certificates, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and graduate degrees.
- Private career/proprietary schools, also known as for-profit schools, are privately owned, offer certificates and degrees, and generally focus on preparing students for a specific occupation or profession.
You can search for colleges and degree programs in Missouri using the Missouri College and Degree Search. Check out virtual online tours to help you find your best fit.
Some vocational technical schools, operated by public school districts in Missouri, also offer education beyond high school.
To research higher education institutions outside of Missouri, try the search engine College Navigator. You can use this online tool, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, to search more than 7,000 colleges and universities in the United States.