ACT Series: How to Prepare for the English Section of the ACT Test

The ACT is important to high school students in Missouri and across the U.S. for several reasons. It is an important factor that is considered in college admissions and how scholarships are awarded. It can help students become eligible for the A+ Scholarship and in some parts of the state is a requirement to graduate. While the level of importance can differ among students, based on their plans, it is a tough challenge for everyone their first time. Students take timed tests in multiple subjects, answering questions that can confuse them or make them second guess themselves.

This is the first article in a four-part series on the ACT, describing each of the subject tests and how to prepare for them. We will being with English.

The basics of the English test

The English test has two main components. There are collections of short readings and accompanying multiple-choice questions about the passages. Individual words or phrases will be underlined and labeled as options for questions. Questions can focus on the small phrases, sections of the passage, or the entire reading as a whole. You are given 45 minutes to answer 75 questions.

How do I prepare for the test?

The ACT publishes a test breakdown, which describes how much of the test is focused on one topic. In each topic, it is further broken down into certain types of questioning. The English portion of the test will question you about conventions of Standard English, including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

To help students prepare for the test, the ACT provides old versions of the test online and in print. Ask your counselor if they have copies of old booklets so you can take practice tests and time yourself.

How is the test graded?

The ACT releases its scoring rubric so you can know ahead of time what to expect. This is very helpful for students who are aiming for a specific score.

Final thoughts

The English section of the ACT is meant to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge of the subject. You either know the material or you don’t. And that is OK. Each student will bring a different level of knowledge as well as a different desire, whether you are aiming for top marks and the Bright Flight scholarship or just trying to make a certain threshold for another scholarship. The key is to find the correct pace. You don’t want to run out of time because you were overanalyzing one of the first sections. Take practice tests to get a rhythm of how the test will go. You’ve got this.

Read the other parts of the ACT Series

Life After College: Three Ways to Prepare for What’s Next

There are many paths to choose from after graduating college, including graduate school, entering the workforce, traveling, or serving your country in some capacity. Similar to high school, the more time you take to prepare for your future, the less difficult those decisions may be. Luckily, your college or university will have plenty of people and resources that can help you find your ideal path after graduation. Here are three major options to choose after college: 

1. Continuing School: Keys for Graduate Education

Many professions, such as law or medicine, will require some graduate coursework before you can even apply for the job. If you chose one of those as your major, you probably already knew those requirements.

The appeal of college as an undergraduate is as broad as possible. For graduate course work, it should be much more specific. When considering a graduate program or school there are plenty of different questions to ask. Does my current school have a the right program for my interests or do I need to attend a different school? Does my program have additional requirements (GRE, LSAT, etc.) that I must complete beforehand? How many students does my program accept? Is there any funding available for me? Do I have to attend classes in person or is there an online track? Addressing these before applying are fundamental to picking the right program. The sole purpose of these programs is to provide more professional experience that can help in your career and increase your earnings. Knowing what works best for you and what works best for your future is an important part of the decision making process.

2. Tools to Pick the Right Career

The two outcomes that colleges value the most are how many people graduate and how many of them are employed after graduation. They place an extremely high value on these and have many resources dedicated to helping students in their next phase of life. As a senior, you should know what’s at your disposal. Here are three resources to consider:

1. Opportunities for Your Major – Every college has a connection with their local area that includes partnerships and research opportunities. They often build good relationships in the community because those who partner with the campus can hire new talent from recent graduates. Therefore, many major programs will have information about offers exclusive to your academic discipline. Get in contact with your department head to see what opportunities they may have available to you.

2. Your Career Center – Every university has a dedicated career center that’s sole purpose is preparing students for gaining employment. This can be limited to resume critiques or more involved like mock interviews and setting up networking opportunities. This is a valuable resource because they keep in contact with alumni who can give information about what it takes to make it into a career field. This helps the career center prepare students for a specific need such as working on a portfolio for an art school or mock interview questions from previous applicants. The more information you give them, the more they can assist you in finding and securing a job opportunity.

3. Attend a Career Fair – The career center will go above and beyond to help you prepare for what to do when you are applying for positions. They will also help with the hardest part, finding the companies that are hiring. Every year, companies will flock to college campuses in search of new talent to recruit either for internships or for job opportunities after graduation. Attending these is an essential step in preparing for the workforce after college. Many companies will stay and do first rounds of interviews based on the resumes that they receive. Keeping that in mind,  you should check for a list of companies that were invited and prepare copies of your resume to hand out. Bigger universities will also have industry specific fairs or online job fairs, so check to see what your campus has to offer.

3. Alternative Forms of Employment: the Choice to Serve

If graduate school or the traditional workforce do not immediately jump out to you, perhaps you are interested in the chance to serve, either through religious organizations, non-profit sectors, or through the government. One of the best and most secure ways to travel internationally is through service like a mission trip or through the Peace Corps. Both require you to stay and serve a community for a period of time ranging from weeks to a few years with the Peace Corps. Either option can be extremely rewarding for those who choose these options.

If you are planning to stay in the U.S., there are similar ways to serve through AmeriCorps programs or through fellowships that target underserved communities.

Another admirable option is serving in the armed forces. The military is always looking for new recruits and those with a college education become instantly valuable, given chances to rise up in the ranks faster than those who immediately enlist out of school. Talk with a recruiter if this is something that interests you.

Three Tips for Picking the Right Graduate Program

During your undergraduate studies, you are given time and space to determine what career path is right for you. One in three students will change their major during their time in college! While that is okay for a bachelor’s degree, you don’t have that same leniency with graduate programs. Graduate programs provide a lot of value and are required in many career fields. It is important that you find one that is worth your time and money. Here are three things to consider when making that decision.

1. Consider your desired career path and goals.

Woman looking out of an open window in front of her computer, pondering the paths she could take in life.There are many benefits to advanced degrees. Increased earnings, switching careers, and even personal goals can be a part of the decision to pursue a master’s degree or higher. To truly make the smartest choice you should factor in everything that you can. The primary benefit of a graduate education is very specialized knowledge that can benefit you or your career path. This can be as simple as a school principal versus elementary teacher. It can also be very specific like choosing a course that uses a unique coding program for one sole purpose. Take inventory of what your goals and needs are, then look at what various schools can provide you. Course listings are provided that give a synopsis of each course offered.

2. Fit your lifestyle.

Enrolling in an undergraduate program should be about the skills you will learn and the value you will receive from your education. Your graduate program doesn’t have to win you over with a nice gym or club sports, the program is the selling point. Therefore it is best to find what works the best for you and your profession. Location is a very important first factor to determine. Some programs are only offered in specific regions, like marine biology on the coasts. However, if your program can be more universal then you should focus on what makes the most sense. If a middle school in Springfield accepts teachers from Missouri State or Drury then you don’t necessarily need to go to Harvard or Yale for grad school.A black woman leading a business meeting and pointing at an easel of paper.

You should determine how your current schedule can accommodate the courses you’ll need to graduate, as well as your schedule. Many people begin graduate programs after having a full time job so they have to build their graduate class schedule around the demands of a job. This can mean taking courses solely online versus going to some in person throughout the week. The important thing to remember is to do what works for you and your schedule.

3. Build a long-term plan.

There are far more circumstances that you have to account for when planning your graduate education. Many people pursue this degree while working in their career field, so there is only a finite amount of time available. A black man mapping out something on sticky notes on a window. Additionally, while scholarships and grants for pursuing a graduate degree are available, there aren’t many of them, so financial decisions should be part of the process.

Before pursuing a grad program consider what is needed and at what timeframe. If you are looking for very specific instruction, make that a priority. If you are just getting the program but have no pressing need, then build your schedule that can maximize your ability to achieve and is the most financially advantageous.

Seven Advantages to Building Credit Before Graduating

Credit and how to manage it is an important subject that is often neglected in high schools and even colleges, unless it’s a part of your degree field. However, it is something that everyone should at least have some knowledge about. Whether you are purchasing a car or renting/buying a house, your credit score is used for a long list of large purchases along with smaller, everyday items as well. We have put together a short list of things to keep in mind, along with tips, to make sure you understand the world of credit.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score tells banks and lenders how likely you are to pay your loan back in a timely manner. It is based on your credit history which is a record of how much you have borrowed and paid back. Late payments decrease your score, while consistent, on-time payments will gradually increase your score.

What makes a Credit Score Good or Bad?

Credit scores are typically rated on a scale from 300-850, with a higher score meaning better credit. According to Experian, a credit reporting agency, 700 or above is considered good, while above 800 is excellent. The average credit scores fall in the 600-750 range. However, don’t be discouraged if your score is low, as there are many ways to raise it. These include making payments on time, cutting back on credit card spending, paying off debt, along with more ways that can be found with a quick internet search.

An infographic showing 7
Click on the image for a full size of this infographic

Keep these seven things in mind as you consider credit cards and building your credit:

1. Getting a credit card can teach good credit habits.

When getting a brand-new credit card, it can be tempting to spend money right away on non-essential items. Always set yourself a budget and never purchase anything that you couldn’t afford using your debit card. A good trick can be to put your groceries that you would normally buy on a debit card, on your credit card and pay it off immediately. This will slowly but surely begin to build your credit and help your credit score rise. Handled carefully, making smart choices, a credit card is an excellent way to build credit.

2. Cardholder perks

Every credit card comes with its own set of perks. Even cards from the same company have different rewards. Some cards provide airline miles, while others provide cash back. These are just two of the rewards credit cards can give you but there are a lot more out there. Student cards may come with a lower credit limit but can give the cardholder access to things like scholarships, 0% APR for the first year, and discounts on school supplies.

3. Receive lower rates on loans

Buying a car, a house, or any other large item is something that will more than likely require a loan from a bank. Many get the amount they apply for but the interest rates on these loans vary, and they can make a world of difference. Having a higher credit score is the biggest thing lenders use to determine the interest rates on these loans. Banks will see that you have a high score, meaning you are someone who doesn’t miss payments often and can be trusted to pay off the loan they are giving you. It can add up to a lot of saved money! Be careful, however, borrowing too much money or late payments will knock your credit score down. 

4. Makes for a more appealing tenant

When attempting to rent a home, you will most likely have to submit your social security number so the landlord can see your credit score. You are much more likely to get approved or possibly chosen over other applicants if you have a higher credit score. This ties back to the loan section. The landlord will see that you have a high score and be more trusting of you to pay your rent on time and in full.

5. An increased credit limit on cards

The higher your credit score, the more willing a credit card company will be to give you a higher spending limit on your credit card. This can be nice for attempting to build your score higher or maybe covering you in an emergency situation you hadn’t saved up for. Maybe it’s an unforeseen health issue or car problems on a long road trip, a credit card can bring a sense of comfort knowing you have access to these funds in case a situation similar to these arises.

6. Save money on security deposits

Often, companies will charge a service fee when establishing utilities such as water, electric, or gas in your name for the first time or when moving to a new location. Having a good credit score can sometimes wipe these fees away completely!

7. Sense of achievement!

Having a good credit score is something to be proud of! Especially at a younger age. It is difficult to keep up on all of your payments, and adding another to the mix can be stressful and complicate things. If you are able to build your credit, that’s a big accomplishment. It shows that you have created a responsible spending plan and you have developed good credit habits. These are tools you will carry with you for life and will continue to be helpful as you progress into buying a home or whatever your next step may be.

Learn more and manage your credit score at

Three Major Steps after Decision Day

Hey Seniors! Congratulations on a job well done!

It’s time to celebrate — and then think about what’s next! Don’t lose focus, there are a few major steps you need to accomplish before you’re ready to attend college this fall. For those who have not made a decision yet, there is still time!

Most schools, especially community colleges, have a rolling admissions policy. This means that they are constantly accepting students up to the beginning of classes in August. Here is some information that will be helpful:

1. Finalize all scholarships / financial aid

Two people staring at the screen of a laptop.

There are different ways to pay for school and most students have multiple sources to do so. Make sure your college has all your information so you are all set for the beginning of your semester, especially if you plan to take summer courses. Each student will be sent a document that considers all forms of your financial aid, including grants and loans from filing the FAFSA, institutional  scholarships, and private scholarships you have applied for separately. By confirming with the financial aid office at your chosen college, you will be able to confirm what your true total for school is. If you have questions don’t be afraid to ask your financial aid experts on campus!

For students who still haven’t decided, there is still time. The most important thing for you to do is file the FAFSA. Every year there are billions of dollars that go unclaimed by students that could earn financial aid but missed out because they did not file the FAFSA. If you have not applied to schools there is a chance you will still qualify for automatic scholarships they provide for academics. If there is a school you are interest in, reach out to their admissions office and they will fill you in on the steps you need to take. Find free help completing your FAFSA this summer at one of several events throughout Missouri.

2. Register for your Orientation

Students Walking down a Campus Hallway

After graduation, your college orientation will be the biggest day before you begin classes. You and thousands of fellow 

students will flood campus during the summer to get your plans finalized. Most orientations include meeting faculty in your major, setting up your course schedule, and confirming your housing. Orientation day offers you a chance to meet fellow freshmen for the first time and it is designed to be fun! Make sure you check out your school’s website and select an orientation date that works for you and your parents.

If you are still not decided, use this time to go on a college visit. A lot can change between the start and end of your senior year, so going to a campus with new perspective is vital.

3. Celebrate your Success!

A group of graduates celebrating their success.

The final months of senior year were like a whirlwind with spring sports ending, taking finals, and graduating. Take time to celebrate yourself! You are about to take part in one of the biggest changes of your life. That is something to be excited about. The more you can appreciate what it took to get to campus, the more invested you will be in your success while there.

For those who haven’t decided yet, don’t get down on yourself! All paths are not the same. In fact, most people go through ups and downs including changing majors or even schools. Remember that you have accomplished just as much by graduating high school and that your future is bright! Do not be afraid to ask for help while figuring out what’s next.

5 Ways to Maximize your College Visit

Visiting a college campus can be a major deciding factor when choosing where you want to go to school. Each place is unique and finding out what you like about the environment is important. But don’t stress too much about it, we’ve got you covered! Here are five things to consider before, during, and after visiting a college campus.

1. Choose the way you'll visit

A campus tour guide giving high school students a tour of the college campus.

There are many ways to tour a college campus. You can set up your own private tour, go on a class trip with your school, attend a large themed visit day, even just show up and walk around by yourself! The key is to determine what is right for you. If you have a general interest but do not know much about the school, consider going on a trip with your school where you get a basic tour of campus and breakdown of what they offer. If you or your parents have questions about a school, then a private solo visit might be right for you. If you want to see what the campus atmosphere will be like at its best, a weekend visit or time when the school is celebrating homecoming or other events may be a perfect choice.

Wanting to attend a school that’s pretty far away but cannot make it in person? Try checking out a school via a virtual tour. Virtual tours can take you through various buildings on campus while providing information about different degree programs offered. A virtual tour can help you decide if you’re really interested, and then it may be beneficial to schedule an in-person tour just to be sure.  

2. Consider meeting Faculty

A student talking to a faculty member in Student Services.

Getting the best education possible is the true purpose of attending college, so you should find out if you can learn there. A good way to do this is to meet some of the professors. When taking a personal visit, many schools will reach out to faculty who are available at the time of your trip to give information about their degree program. 

This includes going over possible courses, chances for internships, and mapping out your schedule early on. If you request it, you can even sit in on a lecture. This is an excellent way to understand what it will be like to go to a college or university, and is something that everyone should try before making a decision. 

3. Bring your parents

A group of people walking up the stairs.

College is a big journey for your parents just like it is for you. They will be just as excited and probably have worries similar to yours. It is important to have them involved in the process. While you focus on what it is like to attend the school, your parents will be interested in finding out if it is feasible to attend. College visits spend a portion of their time focusing on the cost and financial aid available to all students and depending on when you visit (ex. Your senior year after filing the FAFSA) you can meet with the financial aid office and discuss what scholarships or aid is available to you.

4. Eat the food

A woman carrying a tray full of food and a glass of orange juice.

As a freshman, you will spend most of your time eating in a dining hall. The sooner you try the food, the better. If you have certain dietary restrictions, finding out what options are available to you is important. Most campus dining halls have vegetarian/vegan options readily available, as well as gluten-free alternatives. 

If the dining hall is unavailable, then consider other options in the campus student union. This area will likely include more popular restaurant options with the convenience of staying on campus. If neither of those options are appetizing, this is a great chance to explore the area and try local restaurants! Talk to your tour guide to get suggestions about the options around town.

5. Ask for free stuff!

a pile of rolled t-shirts, like what you would get from a college visit.Colleges have budgets dedicated to promotion and advertising. Do not feel bashful in asking if they have anything to offer you on your visit. This could be a free shirt or pennant, a discount to the school store, free food in the dining hall, or waiving your application fee if you apply that day. They want you to enjoy your day just as much as you do, so don’t be afraid to see what they can offer.

A college visit will be the best indicator of whether or not that school is right for you. The more prepared you are, the easier it is to decide that big question: do I want to go here? Even if the answer is no, you gain valuable information that you can take to the next college until you find your best fit.


How Missouri Works (2021)

With more than 2.8 million payroll employees across the state in industries that are growing and looking for recent graduates of colleges, universities, technical schools, credential programs, and apprenticeships. The numbers show that Missouri has plenty of room in the workforce for those that are interested in a whole host of careers and industries. So, how are you going to work?

How Missouri Works Stats

Five reasons to choose a Missouri College

1. Missouri schools rank among the best for affordability, student satisfaction, and quality of education.

College Choice ranks Washington University in St. Louis as No.17 in the nation for having the happiest freshmen. U.S. News and World Report lists Missouri Southern State University No.6 in top public schools in the Midwest, with Lincoln University in Jefferson City and Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis tying for seventh. State Technical College of Missouri, in Linn, was named the third-ranked two-year trade school in the country by Forbes. 

A student at State Tech working with some technology.

Not only are Missouri education options top-notch, they’re affordable too. Missouri State University in Springfield is listed as number two, overall in the state for affordability and the number one public university for affordability in the state. Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is listed as the No.3 school for affordability and No.62 by US News and World Report for value in the Midwest and No.16 in Top Public Schools. Couple the affordability of most Missouri educational institutions and all of the other advantages to living, learning, and working in Missouri, and you can’t go wrong. 

2. Missouri is a fun place to live!

A sunny day at the lake of the Ozarks with a boat cruising over the water.

No matter what part of the state or college you choose, there is fun to be had close by. Missouri was actually chosen as the fourteenth most fun state in America by Wallet Hub thanks to a recent study. The organization compared states using 26 different metrics and Missouri landed as No.14. Missouri scored fifth in the nation for having the “highest variety of arts, entertainment, and recreation establishments.”

With Lake of the Ozarks in the central region of the state, Kansas City on the west side, St. Louis on the east side, Branson in the southern Region, and everywhere else over, under, and in-between, residents can find many different types of fun and entertainment. You can find waterskiing, parasailing, amusement parks, water parks, theatres, movies, wine tasting, breweries, caves, casinos, hiking, hunting, fishing, festivals, fairs, museums, bars, restaurants, zoos, and unique things to do all over Missouri.

3. Missouri currently has the 12th lowest cost of living in the nation

Cost of living is an important factor when considering where you should live, learn, and work. Missouri scores nearly 10 points below the national average overall. Groceries, housing, utilities, transportation, and health care costs less here, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center. The housing cost index in Missouri scores 82.1,  just over 18 points below the national average.

To compare, take a look at Illinois’ largest city, Chicago, and Missouri’s largest city, St. Louis. The median cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Chicago is $1,550, according to says that the median cost of rent in St. Louis for the same apartment is $650. And what can you get for the same money in St. Louis that you would pay for that one-bedroom apartment in Chicago? The answer is at least a two-bedroom and likely larger because the top 25 percent of the market, in St. Louis, for a two-bedroom apartment is $1,100 ($400 less than the median market price for the one-bedroom in Chicago). So if you want to live off campus, Missouri is definitely affordable.

The arch at sunset with the STL skyline in the background.

4. Missouri offers lifestyle and living options for everyone!

A person silhouetted by the sunset at Elephant Rocks State Park

Missouri offers lifestyle and living options for everyone from the city lover to the quiet country enthusiast. For those looking to begin learning or working in the big city, St. Louis and Kansas City both offer great learning opportunities between colleges and technical schools. Living in these two big cities is extremely affordable as well.

If you’re interested in urban living but for a more mid-sized city situation, St. Joseph, Springfield, Columbia, Jefferson City, or Joplin might be just what you’re looking for. Great colleges can be found in all five of the places mentioned and all are affordable options for living, learning, and working.

There are even rural options and small-town living for those who are interested in the beautiful views and outdoor lifestyles available in rural Missouri – check out communities surrounding Rolla, home to Missouri S&T, or Cape Girardeau, home to Southeast Missouri State University.

5. Missouri's star is on the economic rise.

Missouri is moving through the ranks from 42 in job growth to 22 in the last five years. The future is looking bright and only keeps getting brighter. Two Missouri cities have been named in the top three cities in the nation for recent college graduates.

St. Louis has been ranked No.2 in the nation for recent college graduates, promising a median income of around $48,000 per year, according to a report from Self Financial. The median income is even higher when cost of living is considered because St. Louis has a cost of living nearly 10 percent below the national average. Taking the cost of living into account, the median earnings of recent college graduates is $53,274 in St. Louis. This is just an average and is dependent upon factors such as career field and type of degree.

Kansas City, Missouri, came in at No.3 on that list of best cities for recent college graduates. KC boasts actual median earnings of $49,000 per year, with an adjusted salary of $52,802, thanks to a cost of living that sits at 7.2 percent below the national average. Both cities have plenty to offer college students as they work towards their chosen degrees, knowing that the post-graduation future is looking pretty bright.

The plaza fountain in Kansas City

This information is accurate as of December 16, 2021.

7 Reasons You Should Live, Learn, and Work in Missouri

1. Companies are hiring

Three companies on Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list – Veterans United, Jones Financial (Edward Jones), and World Wide Technology – are headquartered here in Missouri. Each company employs large numbers of people and reported hundreds of job openings company wide as of March of 2021. Jones Financial reported 910 job openings, Veterans United Home Loans reported 558 openings, and World Wide Technology reported 268 job openings.

According to an October 2021 report from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), there were around 67,700 job postings in Missouri with companies hoping to hire people. If you’re looking for a new job or career change, Missouri is a good place to start. 

two people talking in a hip office space.

2. Great for remote work

A woman working on her laptop in the kitchen of her house.

Missouri is centrally located in the country, making working with both the east and west coasts convenient for remote workers or just those who need to be centrally located for travel. Additionally, high speed internet and better broadband access in rural areas has been made a priority by Gov. Mike Parson. In 2021, $400 million was budgeted to help with broadband access.  

3. Affordability

Missouri allows you to live in one of the most affordable states in the U.S. Missouri ranks the 12th lowest in the U.S. for cost of living (MERIC) and the 12th cheapest state to buy a house ( To do a little comparison, let’s look at the cost of buying a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline. According to AAA, in Missouri, as of December 2021, the average cost of a gallon of gas is $2.95 while the cost in Illinois, Missouri’s neighbor, is $3.44. 

4. Fun and romance

A riverfront view of the city of Washington Missouri

Missouri is the 10th best place to be single. We rank 12th for dating opportunities, 12th for dating economics, and 16th for romance and fun, according to 

If you live and work in Missouri, there are plenty of opportunities for romance as well as places to take your romantic partner on a date. Check out 8 Places to go on a Date Night in Missouri or just go to Visit MO’s Things to Do page

5. A Land of Opportunity

Missouri ranks No.4 in the nation in opportunity for its citizens, according to Missouri is a great place to start or own a business, boasting a rank of 11 in the country. Missouri’s businesses weathered the pandemic better than most and the state was ranked third in the nation for pandemic proof small businesses. 

If you’re interested in taking advantage of Missouri’s business-friendly atmosphere, the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office has step-by-step instructions for starting a business in Missouri.

6. Striving for Equity

Missouri ranks No.9 in the nation for equality. According to, “the ratio of men to women in the labor force, as well as gaps between their median incomes, as well as the difference in unemployment between people with disabilities and those without, and gaps in educational achievement, income and employment between non-Hispanic whites and other racial groups” are measured to determine this. Missouri ranked 6th in the nation for equity in the income gap by race on this same list.

7. Family Friendly

Missouri is a great place to raise a family. Wallet Hub says Missouri comes in third in the nation for low cost child care, surpassed only by Mississippi and South Dakota. All 10 of’s top 10 places to raise a family in Missouri are suburbs of St. Louis, with highly rated school systems, bright job prospects, and lower costs of living. However, St. Louis isn’t the only great place to raise a family and if you prefer the country or small-town life, there’s plenty of that too. 

This information is accurate as of December 16, 2021.

Find your Best Fit in Missouri

Two-Year Vs. Four-Year vs. Technical College

Missouri is home to over 65 colleges and universities that each offer their own unique culture and opportunities. So whether you’re looking for a change of scenery or to stay close to home, there are plenty of options to choose from. Degree program, size, location, distance from home, sports, culture, and student resources are all important things to consider while trying to find the best fit. We’ve highlighted several of these characteristics for you to consider below and a corresponding Missouri school to consider.

Big City vs. Small Town

Do you want to be in the heart of it all or in a small community with a lot of heart?

Big City vs. Small Town

The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) is nestled just south of the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City – a well-known area for shopping, events, and art. Kansas City is packed with unique and vibrant neighborhoods and offers pro-sporting events, live concerts, and some of the best BBQ in the country. But if you’re looking to slow it down, consider Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO) in Cape Girardeau. This small, historical river community is known for being friendly and having a great downtown area of its own. You can see a show at the annual Lanford Wilson New American Play Festival, or explore the Mississippi River at Cape Rock Park. Also, with St. Louis and Memphis being nearby, there’s always the opportunity to change it up, visit the big city, but come home to a small town.

Big School vs. Small School

Big School Versus Small School

Do you want to get to know all of your peers or do you want to see new faces every day?

Going to a school with a large student population versus a small student population can make a big difference. Missouri State University is one of the state’s largest schools with over 26,000 students. If you’re looking for a fresh start and to make a lot of new friends – this could be the school for you. A larger student population can also offer many benefits including more activities and organizations, more networking and potentially more diversity. However, if you’d rather spend the next several years making lifelong connections, a smaller school like College of the Ozarks is a great option. With a population of under 1,500 – you can expect small class sizes and a tight-knit community.

Two-Year vs. Four-Year vs. Technical School

What degree are you looking for? How much time and money are you prepared to invest?

Two-Year Vs. Four-Year vs. Technical College

The type of school you attend can make a big difference in your college experience, especially in the classroom and in your bank account. Two-year institutions offer certificates and associate degrees, and many students choose these schools to save money in the long run. State Fair Community College in Sedalia is a great example because it offers a wide range of two-year programs while also being one of the most affordable in Missouri. A four-year university offers bachelor’s degrees, which provide both a well-rounded education outside your major and an in-depth coursework in your chosen field. Truman State University in Kirksville is a great option because it offers a variety of excellent programs and top professors while being the number one best value school in the region. Technical schools can be a different experience altogether, offering certificates and associate degrees while giving students affordable hands-on learning and career guidance. State Technical College of Missouri in Linn offers small class sizes, unique career options, and a job placement rate of 99 percent.

There’s plenty to consider when deciding what will fit you best after high school. Missouri offers a lot of options. If you are considering multiple options and you’d like to compare them side-by-side, use the printable Best Fit Worksheet or the College and Degree Search compare option. No matter what you decide, you’ll make it the best fit for you.